Water Womb World

Developer: Yames
Publisher: Yames
Release: 2020
Genre: Adventure
Art Style: Pixel
Platforms: Itch.io

Do you like weird horror games that are all about atmosphere rather than jumpscares? How about short experimental games that are aimed for specific niches above all else? If yes, then you must give Water Womb World a try.

It was created by James Hallett aka “Yames”. He creates small weird horror experiences with the support of similarly minded people on Patreon, but most of them are also released on Itch.io or even Steam.

Water Womb World 1

Water Womb World shows the journey of a devout Christian who has forsaken modern society and religious takes and is fixated with discovering Eden, the point where humanity first fell from grace. His journey led him to “Gaspar’s Zone”, a region deep into the ocean that he plans to investigate with the help of his submersible lab.

The game tries to be a bit more on the “adventure” side of things, where you investigate the underwater region while managing your oxygen supplies and try to catch fish using nets but it remains relatively basic. It’s a short experience, more focused on the otherworldly atmosphere and the feel of helplessness and dread is abound and can stick with you even after you finish it.

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All in all, Water Womb World is one of those artistic games that succeed in delivering the main thing they tried to accomplish, be an unforgettable (despite short) experience for your targeted niche. In this case, being part of a fever dream about underwater horrors and a sense of dread. It’s currently available on Itch.io for free, so you can easily try it out for yourselves!

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